Italian Hand Carved Stone Sculptures Since 1903

Latest Work: Statue of man with amphora

Statue of a man lying down with an amphora made entirely by hand in Vicenza stone in our sculpture workshop.

This sculpture is part of a project of six statues, three male subjects and three female subjects that will be placed at the edges of a fountain.

The water will come out of the amphora. The original of this statue is found in the Querini Park of Vicenza.

Latest Work: Large Group of Sculptures

Large group of sculptures made by hand in Vicenza stone.

The fountain is composed of three putti, dolphins and shells.

This type of fountain was widely used in the large Palladian villas, to then be used to furnish parks with private villas.

Latest Work: The Thinker of Rodin

Hancarved sculpture of The Thinker of Rodin carved by our sculptors in Vicenza stone.

The Thinker was initially named The Poet (French: Le Poète), and was part of a large commission begun in 1880 for a doorway surround called The Gates of Hell.

Rodin based this on The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, and most of the figures in the work represented the main characters in the poem with The Thinker at the center of the composition...

Latest Work: Diana with Deer

A large Diana statue, carved in Vicenza stone with deer sculpture (deer with bronze horns). Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Her Roman equivalent is Diana.

In the classical period of Greek mythology, Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows....

Latest Work: The Rape of Proserpina

The Rape of Proserpina (Italian: Ratto di Proserpina) is a large Baroque marble sculptural group by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, executed between 1621 and 1622.

The work of Bernini captures the action at the peak of its development and offers the observer the maximum pathos: the emotions of the characters are in fact perfectly represented and readable through the gestures and expressiveness of the faces. Proserpina struggles in vain to escape the erotic fury of Pluto pushing his left hand on the face of the god, who, instead, holds it hard, literally sinking his fingers into the thigh and side of the woman...

Peotta selected for Italian Makers Village

Peotta Bruno & Geom. Luigi Srl has been select for IMV 2015 Italian Makers Village for the EXPO Exhibition...

Latest Project: Architectural Stoneworks

Our company is realizing a large project (still in progress) for the realization of a great classical villa. Our work covers various areas of the architectural project: from garden ornaments and landscape design to architectural elements and interior decorations, all of which realized with hand-carved white natural stone.

The project follows the design of the Palladian villas, but we carved all the architectural stone elements starting from custom drawings of the architects...

Mythology Statues - Greek & Roman

Vesta is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in the ancient Roman Empire. Vesta's presence is symbolized by the sacred fire that burned at her hearth and temples...

Mercury is a major Roman god, being one of the Dii Consentes within the ancient Roman pantheon. He is the patron god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence (and thus poetry)...

Apollo is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in ancient Greek and Roman...

ViArt - Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Vicenza

ViArt is the new Exhibition Centre of Arts and Crafts in Vicenza, located in "Palazzo del Monte di Pietà" in the historic city center of Vicenza.

Here you can admire the works of the best artists and craftsmen of the province, in rotating exhibitions organized three times a year.

As of October 15 the works of artisan sculptors of Vicenza will be exposed at ViArt...

Vicenza Stone - Exhibition at the Priare

An exhibition of Vicenza Stone at the "Priare" of Montecchio Castles, with works of artisan firms in the territory, is an extraordinary event for the unique setting of stone artefacts and the development of a local noble tradition.

The works are on display in places where, for centuries, people have checked out the material used for the production of statuary art and decoration in palaces, villas and gardens, and the application building for both interior and exterior finishes and contour moldings...

Peotta Bruno & Geom. Luigi Srl

Viale Milano, 10

36075 Alte Ceccato

Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - Italy

VAT n. : IT 00185260247

Logo Peotta Bruno & Geom. Luigi Srl

Opening Time

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 18:00

Saturday - Sunday: by appointment

T: +39 0444 696104 - F: +39 0444 696752

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